Placenta Laennac

Product Description
Manufactured and Distributed by
Japan Bioproducts Industry Co.,Ltd.
Tokyo Japan
Packing : 2mlx50-1 box
Human placenta extract is a very safe and effective treatment for a variety of ailments as well as being quite useful in an anti-aging program. We would also like to emphasize that the Japanese Ministry of Health and Labor has acknowledged human placenta treatment as safe and effective with no serious side effects. The list of potential treatments is quite impressive with patients of skin conditions, menopause, andropause (male menopause), anti-aging (youthful rejuvenation), liver problems, cardiovascular problems, asthma, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, Meniere`s disease, tinnitus, and vertigo all benefiting from this intensive treatment.
Skin Ailments
Spots, blotches, melasma, wrinkles, eczema, acne, keloid scars... For women, beautiful skin is very important. Human placenta extract is a wonderful solution. Fibroblasts in dermis produce collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid that are very important to keep skin healthy, young and beautiful. The FGF (fibroblast growth factor) and EGF (epithelial growth factor) are contained abundantly in human placenta extract and stimulate the growth of fibroblasts and epidermis, and so consequently skin becomes rejuvenated. The skin gets fresh, soft, smooth and elastic like a baby’s skin.
And human placenta extract inactivates tyrosinase, a key enzyme that converts tyrosine to DOPA. DOPA is converted to melanin after a series of transformations. That is why human placenta extract contributes to whitening of skin. It makes for fair and clear skin.
And human placenta extract contains a lot of vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin E that act as anti free radicals. As you might well know, free radicals exacerbate aging. Human placenta extract eliminates free radicals at the many levels of the body --- from cells deep inside of liver to epidermis of skin. Human placenta extract is astoundingly effective as an anti-aging substance.
For eczema, intramuscular injection of human placenta extract and biotin has proved very effective. If you suffer from any kinds of eczema including atopic dermatitis, human placenta extract along with biotin is really worth trying.
One should avoid cortisone ointments. Otherwise you would be trapped by the cortisone treatment, and gradually the amount of the hormones will increase, thus necessitating further treatment. Thus you will be left in an unending dependence of cortisone. The result is disastrous.
If the patients want clear white skin, cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, and Vitamins B2, B6, C are very recommendable, along with human placenta extract,
Even one week of intensive treatment can change the skin condition remarkably. And for keloid scar and acne scar, human placenta extract is reported to be effective, too.
Hot flashes, thinning skin, depression, memory lapses, insomnia, poor concentration, osteoporosis, slow healing, reduced libido, painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, etc. ---. To prevent these uncomfortable symptoms, HRT (hormone replacement therapy) is touted by conventional medical doctors that usually prescribe Premarin and Progestins. But these hormones are chemically synthesized and are never natural female hormones. Therefore this kind of HRT causes a lot of side effects, in the worst case, even breast cancer. Recent research has questioned whether the risks outweigh the health benefits of HRT.
Reflecting these shortcomings of HRT, those doctors who understand alternative medicine often prescribe natural progesterone cream. It is indeed much more effective than conventional HRT and with almost no side effects. Personally, I also recommend progesterone cream, and menopausal women are much happier with it. But still some women do not well response to progesterone cream alone. So I give intramuscular injection of 1 ampoule (2 cc) of human placenta extract once or twice a week to them. Then the effectiveness is excellent. Progesterone cream does its role synergistically with human placenta extract. Recently the combination of progesterone cream + human placenta extract is my strong armament against menopause. And some women who do not have so serious symptoms of menopause can alleviate them only by human placenta extract treatment.
And for those women who could not get progesterone cream due to some reasons can get human placenta extract without any fear of side effects. It is advisable to get this treatment prior to menopausal phase, preferably from mid 40ies.
Besides menopause, human placenta extract is very effective for many kinds of women`s diseases such as endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, oligogalactia, gestational toxicosis, and frigidity. Some say testosterone is necessary for improvement of women`s sexual desire. But first, human placenta extract should be tried before testosterone which may induce some unfavorable side effects if overused.
Human placenta extract is free from any side effects except small redness or light irritation on the skin of injected area. But this is also very rare. One doctor reports that she has never observed any adverse side effects due to human placenta extract even after administering it 50,000 times.
Andropause (Men Menopausal )
It is well observed that men also experience an unhappy stage of their life at the same time that women experience menopause. It is called andropause or male menopause. It is due to the decreasing secretion of testosterone. The symptoms vary widely: lack of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, general fatigue, forgetfulness, poor concentration, apathy, depression, insomnia, obesity, atrophy of muscle tissue, etc.
For these symptoms, usually conventional doctors prescribe chemical testosterone (methyltestosterone or fluoxymestrone). And pro-alternative-medicine doctors prescribe natural progesterone cream. The former induces considerable side effects, and the latter is much better, but sometimes not so effective. Human placenta extract performs truly magnificent results in improvement of male menopause without any side effects. The improvement is really amazing and many andropausal men enjoy the efficacy. (I am one of them!)
If the patient suffers from the serious symptoms, he should get intramuscular injection of 8 cc of human placenta extract in the morning, and 8 hours later, intravenous injection of glutathione, and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C intensively for a few days. This will be gradually reduced, so that finally only to 1-2 ampoules of human placenta extract is needed once per week. This treatment alleviates the difficult symptoms of a lot of men. If not alleviated at all, the patient has other serious hidden diseases.
It is reported that human placenta extract is effective for prostatic hypertrophy. It cures the unnecessary growth of the prostate`s connective tissue. There are lots of alternative supplements for benign hypertrophy of the prostate such as saw palmetto, beta sitosterol, selenium, zinc, pollen, etc. It is perfectly OK to use these supplements with human placenta extract.
Anti-Aging (Youth Rejuvenation)
Human placenta extract is so effective for skin problems, menopause, and andropuase, as above mentioned, that it also promotes overall rejuvenation. Human growth hormone (HGH) is often used for rejuvenation. There are many kinds of HGH, --- tablets, liquid, spray for sublingual, etc. But experts say that only injection is truly effective. Probably they are right. But the patients should be always very careful about the danger of cancer. This is a key point. This is why some doctors do not like to use HGH.
But unlike HGH, human placenta extract has even prophylactic effect against cancer. Japanese researchers discover anti-cancer substance newly named metastatin in human placenta. It inhibits metastasis of cancer cells. This discovery was published in the authoritative science magazine “Nature”.
Along Lake Leman, Switzerland, there are a few clinics where the cell or cell extract of the liver of sheep fetus is injected to those patients who wish for rejuvenation. This treatment has been performed traditionally from 80 years ago. From all over the world, VIPs and celebrities visit there secretly even now. Its effects seem real and documented. The doctors there also claim that their injection is preventive against cancer. Human placenta extract is different from cell extract of the liver of sheep fetus, but they should have common biological factors which promote the growth of healthy cells while protecting against the dangers of growing malignant cells.
It depends upon age and the degree of decline of physical condition of the patients how much dose human placenta extract is administered. For average patients aged 55 to 70 years old, I prescribe intramuscular injection of 4 ampoules (8 cc) of human placenta extract per day intensively for a week. Plus, glutathione and several vitamins. And this will be gradually reduced.
Liver Problems
Human placenta extract is highly effective for liver problems, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and alcoholic hepatitis. Recently many kinds of interferon (IFN) are being produced by big pharmaceutical companies, and are administered to hepatitis C, and B patients.
Indeed sometimes, but never always, IFN eradicates the virus completely. Depending on the patient`s genetic type, the virus is luckily vulnerable to the IFN, but usually the patients suffer from serious side effects. The extreme case is severe depression such that patients are driven to suicide. Nevertheless, pharmaceutical companies are incessantly producing and advertising new IFN. Why? Because IFN, next to chemotherapy drugs of cancer, brings about big profits to the companies and doctors. The IFNs produced by them are not natural ones, but artificially modified or genetically engineered to get patent. By the IFNs identical with naturally produced IFNs in human body, the companies can not get patent and no profit.
Chemically modified IFNs that are foreign to a human body inevitably induce side effects. All doctors know that. But they are dishonest enough or ignorant of the safer way, and continue to use the manmade IFNs.
But extract of human placenta stimulates the production of IFNs inside of a human body. So, these IFNs are quite natural and free from any side effects. Although the amount of IFNs produced by extract of human placenta seems not enough to eradicate the virus completely, it can reduce the number of virus considerably. And human placenta extract contains HGF (hepatic growth factor). This is a very important factor. HGF stimulates growth of liver new cells, and the damaged /dead cells by viruses, alcohol, toxins, drugs, and free radicals are replaced with the new cells. This mechanism contributes a lot to improve cirrhosis, too.
I have observed that in many patients who suffered from hepatitis (B, C, alcoholic) GOT(AST), GPT(ALT), γ-GTP were markedly reduced to normal range within only 2 or 3 months thanks to the injections of human placenta extract. Hepatitis sometimes leads to hepatocellular cancer in a long term patients through cirrhosis, if not treated well.
Especially hepatitis C is prone to cancer. So, prophylactic treatment human placenta extract is strongly recommended. Even one week intensive treatment -- human placenta extract, alpha-lipoic acid, glutathione, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C-- can be quite effective. And I prescribe schisandra and milk thistle as daily supplements
Diseases treated by cortisone - RA (rheumatoid arthritis), any allergic diseases ( Asthma, Atopic dermatitis, Pollinosis) , Lupus,
Human placenta extract has strong stimulant effect to adrenal gland where cortisone is produced. Therefore the patients can reduce, or even stop taking external cortisone (i.e. orally taken, or injected), if human placenta extract is properly administered.
Cortisone is very potent. Its anti-inflammation effect is so wonderful that a lot of patients become prone to rely on it. But as everyone knows, its side effects are truly serious --- moon face, obesity, myopathy, insomnia, hypertension, depression, osteoporosis, cataract, gastric ulcer, etc. And suppression of immunity by cortisone makes patients vulnerable to infections. Orally taken or injected cortisone should be strictly minimized. But the cortisone naturally produced by the patient’s own adrenal gland is another case as it is very safe. Human placenta extract does this well. We do not know yet exactly the mechanism by which human placenta extract stimulates adrenal gland, but it seems to regulate this very effectively. Never too much, and not too little.
iease, etc.
Human placenta extract has the ability to control the immune system. It means that if the immune system of the patient is too weak it boosts up the system and if too much active (in the case of autoimmune diseases such as lupus, RA, multiple sclerosis, and Sjogren’s syndrome) it calms down the system.
These thermostatic functions of human placenta extract has helped many patients withdraw from dangerous cortisone treatment. Of course the withdrawal should be done gradually and with much caution. But it is possible. And recently, besides human placenta extract, I prescribe enteric-coated lactoferrin (orally taken). This substance can be absorbed at the intestine without being broken by gastric juice, and has also regulatory effect on the immune system. So human placenta extract and enteric-coated lactoferrin work synergeticaly leading to observed excellent results. I have never seen any patients who are not satisfied with this combination. No exceptions. While I do not claim that severe case of lupus or MS can be cured perfectly, the patients can definitely reduce their intake of cortisone by this combination. This should be really good news.
Cardiovascular Problems
Human placenta extract can lower blood pressure, but does not induce hypotension (too low blood pressure). It acts as an adaptogen. And it contains a specific anti-coagulant substance which makes blood flow smoothly.
I feel from my experience that more than 90 % of essential hypertension which does not have any clear etiology and is observed as common hypertension can be well controlled by human placenta extract (plus preferably, CoQ10, carnitine, 3 to 5 cloves of garlic, and a glass of fresh vegetable juice, and if possible moderate exercise -- not hard jogging ). Please do not be fooled by the theory that limitation of salt can lower your blood pressure. Those who can get benefit by limiting salt are very rare. And actually how can you limit the intake of salt in daily life? Salt is hidden in thousands of foods and meals.
And HGF of human placenta extract was discovered to stimulate cell growth not only of liver but also of many organs including heart, endothelium of arteries. Animal experiments indicate HGF can previously regenerate cells fatally damaged by acute myocardial infarction, acute cerebral infarction, acute hepatitis, and acute nephritis. This is why the researchers propose that HGF should be abbreviation of Happy Growth Factor.
Therefore human placenta extract is of great help for recovery from myocardial infarction and paralyses due to cerebral infarction. Theoretically it should be effective for cardiomyopathy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), too. But I have not yet treated them, and I do not know the effect. If you are suffering from one of these, please let me know. Probably I can treat you free.
The number of the sufferers from depression in Japan is said to be its one hundredth in the United States. Yes, it is extremely small compared with Europeans and Americans.
One of the reasons is that the patients with mild depression is not so easily diagnosed as suffering from pathological depression by doctors here in Japan. Chemical medicines such as SSRI (Prozac, Zoloft) are not so much commonly prescribed. This is a really good tendency. Traditionally, Japanese think they should not rely on chemical medicine too much. Even psychiatrists here try to avoid medicines. And Japanese meals which are full of fish give them more Omega-3 fatty acid than red meat. And the special structure of the Japanese language gives them different thought process from the Indo-European languages. Vowel sounds dominate in the Japanese language more than in the case of Indo-European languages. Therefore, regardless of race and genes, the brain grown in the Japanese spoken environment perceives even the murmur of a stream, the chirps of insects, and the rustle of leaves as sound of a human language. It means that the brain feels nature as quite near living life to humans. Consequently, the brains are less lonely in the existential Universe than the Indo-European language speaking brains. Loneliness is a strong factor of depression. This is one of my professional themes -- culture, brain and disease -- from the neuro- linguistic point of view. But that is a discussion for another time.
But, nevertheless, nowadays the number of depression sufferers among Japanese is steadily increasing. Definitely human placenta extract is effective for depression. Probably this is due to its effect on the autonomic nervous system.
We do not know yet exactly the relation between normal function of autonomic nervous system and emotion. But in my daily clinical work I observe real improvement of depression very often by human placenta extract. Especially, when combined with enteric-coated lactoferrin, the improvement is remarkable, similar to the ailments treated by cortisone. Because enteric-coated lactoferrin enhances opioid substance in the brain.
I feel that the combination of human placenta extract and enteric-coated lactoferrin (plus, fish-allowed semi-vegetarian eating habit and moderate exercise) is utterly sufficient for mild depression. One should avoid SSRIs as much as possible.
Meniere‘s disease, Tinnitus, Vertigo
Meniere`s disease is often resistant to conventional otolaryngological treatment. Even tinnitus and vertigo that are not associated with Meniere`s disease and commonly observed in daily clinics are also not so easy to treat. Many people suffer from these symptoms. Tinnitus and vertigo are not life-threatening, but rather unpleasant.
Sometimes a large dose of cortisone alleviates these symptoms, and if lucky enough, chiropractic or acupuncture treatment can give you miraculous improvement. But you can not always rely on the dangerous treatment of cortisone or a rare miracle.
Human placenta extract is also very effective for these symptoms of which causes are quite vague, probably thanks to its regulatory effect on autonomic nervous system and enhancing effect of blood flow of tiny peripheral capillaries in the inner ear.
Eyes Problem
Dr. Kentaro Hieda reported already 30 years ago that he got a remarkable cure of 9 of 15 patients of retinal pigmentary dystrophy, and 7 of 8 patients of cataract.
Safety of Human Placenta Extract
Two Japanese companies produce human placenta extract. One from 1956, and the other from 1959. Since then no serious side effects such as infection, shock, and CJD (Creutzfled-Jakob disease) are reported. All ampoules are numbered, and doctors ought to record the names of the patients who got the injection of the extract, each number of the ampoule, day and place. Meticulously followed up by rigorous medical system for nearly half century, no accidents have been reported. This is much safer than even aspirin.
First, the donor of placenta is checked. She should be free from syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, HBV, HCV, HIV, HTLV (adult T cell leukemia), HPV/B19 (slap cheek). And she should not have stayed for more than 6 months after January, 1980, in England, Ireland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal. This is to avoid the danger of BSE. And she should have been in only Japanese hospitals. This is to ensure that the strict standards have been adhered to.
① The placenta is hydrolyzed by hydrochloric acid, and treated by heat for 15- 17 hours.
② At the final process, it is sterilized by steam at 121 degrees (Celsius) for 30 minutes.
Through these two processes all viruses are killed, and prions are destroyed.
I hear that human placenta is produced and used in Cuba, China, and Ukraine. But I can not be inclined to use the placenta obtained in those countries, honestly speaking. Perhaps this is my prejudice. But the safety of my patients is my utmost concern.
And you may find a lot of advertisements of extract of placenta in internet. But 99 % of the placenta is from animal, not human. Before BSE, it was from cows, but now from pig or sheep. I do not have the data on the comparison of extract of human placenta and that of animal placenta, and I can not say scientifically which is better.
But common sense drives me into choosing human placenta extract, because human to human seems intuitively to be more effective. And this is my prejudice, again, but do you want to use the extract of placenta of sheep? Who can guarantee its safety? How can you know the sheep are free from scrapie (BSE of sheep)? And if you are Muslim or Jewish, you most likely reject pig placenta extract out of religious sensibilities.
For those living in Japan, there are a handful of clinics giving treatment with human placenta extract. However, few have done that much research into combining treatment in an integrated package like above mentioned. For those living outside Japan, it might be impossible to get this kind of perfectly safe human placenta extract in your home country. So, for those living outside of Japan, a one week special intensive treatment in Japan is very beneficial. From my experience, the initial stage of the treatment requires a large dose of the extract (4 to 8 cc) which should be administered intensively for a few continuous days for optimal results. Then it can be reduced gradually.
The treatment usually begins on Monday, and ends on Thursday. In the week, in Japan, 16cc to 32 cc of human placenta extract are administered by intramuscular injections. And you will bring back 50 ampoules of the extract to your own country (if necessary, with 50 syringes, too), and you should inject 1 to 2 ampoules a week by yourself for a half year. It is an intramuscular injection, and very simple.
From the Article of Dr. Makise - Japan
Product Specification/Models
2 cc Per Ampoule
Intramascular Injection
MF3 Placentrex

MF3 Placentrex
Source: Human
Containment per vial/ampoules: 100 mg
Packed in: 2 ml
Packing Size: A set pack of 5 trays x 10 ampoules = 50 ampoules x 2 ml
What Is Cell Therapy
SentienCell™ Rejuvenation Therapy

SentienCell™, a product of HB Health, London, UK, is exceptionally good for preventing pre-aging skin. It
enhances the skin elasticity and reduces the appearance of fine lines, making skin stay youthful and beautiful. It
restores energy and vitality, and improves the body’s immune system to prevent illness.
With many breakthroughs in human stem cell research, medical practitioners and scientist including physiologists, neurologists and hematologists begin to discover the potential of embryo stem cells.
Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. When a stem celldivides, each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell, such as blood cells,intestinal cells and epidermal cells, with a more specialized function. Scientists also discover that some cells not onlycan reproduce themselves, but develop themselves into other types of cells. For example, muscle cells under certainconditions can be used to develop marrow cells. On the other hand, precursor blood cells can develop into muscle cellsor even liver or brain cells.
Following the new discoveries, scientists regard stem cells as the possible medical solution for treating human
diseases in the future. For instance, stem cells can be used to renew and reproduce cells for damaged organs such as ears, nose, skin, and breast. Stem cell is alternative to organ or skin transplantation . It helps overcome attempts by a patient's immune system to reject a transplant. Hence, the use of stem cells brings new hopes to patients suffering from burns, injuries, disfigurement or any disease caused by hereditary factor.
The research on Cytokine began since 1950s when scientists studied interferon. Research on colony-stimulating factor also extended the medical interest in Cytokine to the 60s. The rapid advancement in genetic
studies brings many breakthroughs to genetic engineering, making cloning technology flourish in the 80s and 90s. Human genes are fundamentally made from peptide complex. They are the basic structure that carries biological message in our body.
Hence, our body cells are not mutually exclusive but they form a complex Cytokine network. The interactions
between genectic factor in the cells produce antagonistic, additive, and synergistic effects. Our genes regulate the reproduction and division of cells. Apart from regulating cell function and metabolism, they enable the body cells to identify intrusion and defend against it. Skin problems and premature aging many a time are caused by irregularity in the cells.
Hence, by regulating and keeping balance at the cellular level, we can restore the natural beauty of the skin.
In other words, the use of Cytokine Network in beauty therapy offers many potentials. In fact, the abilities of stem cells to divide, induce and reproduce are now widely explored in human biological science. Its rapid progress and high-tech application poise a great opportunity in beauty care.
SentienCell 5ml x 5amp contains:
Embryonic 600mg
Cytokine 50mg
Coenzyme 100mg
Copper Peptide 50mg
Procaine 10mg
Human Cell Regenerative Histosolution

10 x 1ml Placenta + 0.5ml carbohydrate
Sterilized human placenta
Schimtch from Germany
High technology has discovered a new formula to allow both men and women to look 5 years younger. This formula is able to regenerate the human cell and enhance the elasticity of the skin. This formula can be used both for face and body.
This injection is prepared by means of scientific method extracted from human placenta. The sterilization process assures it does not contain bad tissue contaminants or virus such as inherited diseases and HIV. There are 1 ml of placenta tissue and 0.5 ml of carbohydrate in each vial. This is the purest product extracted from human placenta which can be found in modern medicine.
Can be treated in:
• General diseases of the eye
• Gynaecological diseases
• Skin diseases
• Chronic internal diseases such as keratitis, dyspeptic ulcer, bronchial asthma,chronic hepatitis, acquired deafness, elephantiasis
• Retardation of aging process
• For men: able to regenerate hormone and raise metabolism rate to resist cancer
• For women: able to prolong the period of menstruation before menopause
S.C. (subcutaneous)/underneath skin layer or I.M. (intramuscular) every other day.
1st phase (10 injection)
To administer one to two vials every two days with an interval of a week before the next phase.
2nd phase (10 injection)
To administer as per Phase 1 and can be injected directly to each individual part such as face, hand or other particular part which need to be reformed.
3rd phase (10 injection)
Recommended to administer by way of I.V. (intravenous) injection as per Phase 1 to enable the formula to help the regeneration of red blood cells for the whole year
Side effect:
It is very safe to use and no side effects have been reported
To be kept in dark and dry place at room temperature. For extended storage, it is suggested to be kept in places with temperature under 26oC.
Not recommended for women during menstruation period
MF3 Vegetal Placenta (Dermacenta)

MF3 VP (Plant Placenta Capsule)
For more than 15 years, Swiss and European scientist Researchers and Biotechnologists has been researching and developing a new and equally impressive substitute for Animal Placenta Extract in oral supplement form. In 2001, this unique creation was successfully tested and developed.
Similarly to mammals, plants do have embryos. The Placenta of the plant origin is produced at the heart of their young buds. It nourishes the fruit of the plant during its growing stage.
Dermacenta (vegetal placenta or VP in short) offers the same effect of a stimulating action on increased cell renewal and is deemed as a scientific substitute for human or animal placenta extracts. It regenerates & invigorates the skin, stimulating cellular renewal, improves the oxygen supply in our cell and enhances the protein synthesis in our skin to maintain its youthfulness.
Extracted from cell culture of a special rare species of Non-GMO (non genetically modified) plant, Dermacenta is rich in Amino Acid particularly Alanine and Proline. It is hydrolised by enzymes and biostimulins.
In a physiological scientific study conducted on human volunteers, the cellular turnover was measured by the DHA method: The disappearance of the skin's artificial color allows us to measure the rare of exfoliation and corneocytes turnover. After using the product, diluted at 50%, for 11 days the cellular turnover has been increased by minimum 26%.
For more than 15 years, Swiss and European scientist Researchers and Biotechnologists has been researching and developing a new and equally impressive substitute for Animal Placenta Extract in oral supplement form. In 2001, this unique creation was successfully tested and developed.
Similarly to mammals, plants do have embryos. The Placenta of the plant origin is produced at the heart of their young buds. It nourishes the fruit of the plant during its growing stage.
Dermacenta (vegetal placenta or VP in short) offers the same effect of a stimulating action on increased cell renewal and is deemed as a scientific substitute for human or animal placenta extracts. It regenerates & invigorates the skin, stimulating cellular renewal, improves the oxygen supply in our cell and enhances the protein synthesis in our skin to maintain its youthfulness.
Extracted from cell culture of a special rare species of Non-GMO (non genetically modified) plant, Dermacenta is rich in Amino Acid particularly Alanine and Proline. It is hydrolised by enzymes and biostimulins.
In a physiological scientific study conducted on human volunteers, the cellular turnover was measured by the DHA method: The disappearance of the skin's artificial color allows us to measure the rare of exfoliation and corneocytes turnover. After using the product, diluted at 50%, for 11 days the cellular turnover has been increased by minimum 26%.
MF3 VP has similar effects as MF3 PE but is of 100% vegetable based, extracts from young Soy Plant, cater for those who are or prefer vegetarian. After consumption of 2 to 6 boxes (depending on individual life style) of MF3 VP, you can begin to feel and enjoy the followings
-Rejuvenation and Anti-aging
-Regenerated cells, tissues and organs
-Improvement in the immune system
-Younger, more Vibrant Looks and Firmer Body
-Lightening of Facial pigmentation
-Refining of Facial pores and smoother skin
-Decrease risk of heart diseases and cancer

Due to careful production methods,This PLACENTA-HUMAN contains all the important ingredients/substances that have high curative effects on the human body.It has all the active proteins,enzymes,minerals and vitamins are present in a human placenta.It's promotes cells regeneration and stimulates blood circulation as well as wound healing processes.PLACENTA-HUMAN also increases oxygen utilisation in the organs and demis tissues.This product is highly regarded and has high anti-aging properties.
Placentex Integro Promata

Placenta Integro Italy is Italy's most famous high-end products, by the former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's love, for the reputation of David, the 2004 Athens Summer Olympic Games after the rich that he had purchased a large number of sub-Placenta give Integro Italian athletes. Placenta Integro from the placenta of pregnant sheep, extracted a chemical or biological active substance is a peptide material of living cells, this material can slow down human aging, immune regulation, anti-fatigue, and inhibit tumor. Long-term use is an effective way to improve the people's passive immunity to improve the quality of sleep, constipation improve and enhance sexual function, improve skin elasticity, thickness and gloss

1, sub-health groups to help quickly added strength
The fast-paced modern life fatigue was caused by fatigue, energy failing, a long time to appear on the air damage sperm loss, malnutrition, the body too much accumulation of metabolites of the sub-healthy state. Placenta Integro can enhance the vitality of human cells against free radicals in the body of the violations, speed up the metabolism of the body's excretion of waste. At the same time to add a variety of essential nutrients and energy, so that the body quickly to restore vitality to improve the sub-healthy state.
2, to improve digestion and absorption of gastrointestinal function
Placenta Integro rich in nutrients, the digestive system to enhance the vitality of cells, organs, improving digestion and absorption of gastrointestinal function. . In addition, Integro Placenta of liver cells have to repair and strengthen the role in order to strengthen a wide range of liver enzymes, amino acids, nutrients such as protein synthesis, and promote the human body for the effective use of a variety of nutrients.
3, removal of free radicals in the body to regulate the endocrine, beauty beauty
Integro Placenta contains a variety of anti-beauty factor, remove free radicals in the body to regulate the endocrine, blood circulation, strengthen the vitality of cells. So that the body remain in a positive state of balance and enhance the function of organs, skin aging delay, so rosy and fair complexion.
4, to strengthen health and improve immunity.
Natural not to add any artificial ingredients Integro Placenta, rich in immunoglobulins and other antibodies, interleukin value-added, T cells, monocytes enhanced macrophage function, so that the resulting anti-human infection, improve cell metabolism Features to speed up post-natal wound healing after restoration of with the physical, fit and healthy at the same time on a variety of diseases, the prevention of a very good effect.
5, to enhance memory and improve sleep.
Placenta Integro brain contains elements that provide a variety of brain activities necessary nutrients. It will not only strengthen the function of brain cells, can activate the degradation of the aging brain cells, so for insomnia, memory can play better. In addition, from the young and began to pay attention to the health of the brain, but also the prevention of diseases such as Alzheimer's.
6, the comprehensive improvement of female menopause symptoms
Menopause syndrome mainly by the female hormone secretion caused by the lack of, in a sense is also a kind of endocrine disorders. Modern treatment in vitro complement to the main hormone-based, but generally agreed that after 60 years of age should not be used. Placenta Integro menopausal women can promote the secretion of hormones to alleviate symptoms of menopause. If in a few years ago to start taking menopause, or even delayed the arrival of menopause.
7, cardiovascular protection, the prevention of many diseases
Cardiovascular disease is a threat to the health of the elderly in the primary enemy of. With the aging of the people because that's significantly lower metabolic function, there are always high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, stroke, stroke disease, and so on. Integro can be integrated Placenta conditioning, improving microcirculation, so that blood flow and lower blood viscosity and liver, the heart muscle LPO content, improve the activity of SOD, effectively blocking free radicals on the cardiovascular damage. At the same time, the high-density lipoprotein, can reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, in order to better cardiovascular protection.
3ml×10 Specifications: 3ml × 10
Production: Italy
Melsmon Placenta

Melsmon provides a stimulating effect on cell renewal of the epidermis on the entire body, by promoting the formation of new blood vessels, and nerves, thus leading to healthy looking skin. Skin will appear young and vibrant.
Physical and psychic fatigue. Melsmon helps to improve a general lack of vitality, concentration, eyesight and mental weakness.
Melsmon helps to prevent and regulate problems associated with aging such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, gastric, gastric ulcers, migraine, blood circulation & arthritis.
Premature aging and wear of different organs brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys & digestive system. Melsmon promotes tissue respiration.
Melsmon stimulates normal growth, regenerates and accelerates re-pair of aged or injured muscle, skin, collagen, bone cartilage and nerve tissues.

Anemia. Melsmon helps normalize blood characteristics.
After effects of illnesses. Melsmon helps replenish nutrients required by your body.
After surgery. Melsmon promotes wound healing and reduces recovery time.
Menopausal Syndrome. Melsmon is proven to be highly effective for women in their mid 40s, approaching menopause. Melsmon reduces the pain and changes associated with menopause.
Patients undergoing Chemotherapy for cancer treatment. Melsmon helps to improve physical fatigue, loss of appetite and immune system.
Placenta Lexmo

Cell Therapy starts with the selection of specific organ cells from a fetal animal-bred specifically for this purpose. Throughout many years of research and development, it was proved that sheep are the best donor animals because their vitality, robust immune systems and natural disease resistance.
Sheep proteins are particularly compatible with the human body and trigger no immune reactions or side-effects . In Live "Cell Therapy", these vigorous young cells, with their vital life force still active, are injected into a human host.
Since fetal cells have no antigens, they are not recognized as foreign cells by the host body. According to Dr. Niehans' proven theory, they circulate from site of injection until they recognize and congregate at the human counterpart of the organ from which they were taken (liver cells go to the liver, sex cells go to the sexual organs, heart cells go the heart etc).These relatively young cells which are a functional organ specific, but not species specific, imprint their vigor upon old, tired and degenerating cells, stimulating them to function with renewed efficiency. The organ, itself, retains its vigor and vitality.
In addition to general body revitalization, health maintenance and life extension, "Cell Therapy" will effectively stimulate the cells of specific organ systems, concerned with obesity arthritis, chronic fatigue, asthma, degenerative brain disease, osteoporosis, circulatory disturbances, sexual dysfunction, male impotence, diabetes, mellitus, hormonal disturbances, skins eruptions, and many other metabolic diseases. Your face and body will also look younger and healthier in texture and color, the body physically fitter and more flexible.
Some physicians feel that the most important result of "Cell Therapy" is the revitalization of the body immune system & defense mechanisms. When damage occurs to the cells that make up the various tissues and organs involved in the immune systems (either through the aging process or from environmental poisons), the body becomes defenseless against both external invasion and internal degeneration. However, the damage to the organs of the immune system may be reversed through revitalization & regeneration with "Cell Therapy". These new and energetic fresh cells act quickly and effectively to stimulate the body's defense mechanism. There is enormous interest in the use of this therapy to dramatically slow down the aging process and regain health, vitality and physical well-being. All of us want to live a long life and no one wants to grow old!
Lexmo Placenta of Switzerland is NOT a DRUG and does not contain any chemicals or additives. It is a sole nutritional supplement branded by many as the 'Rolls Royce of all nutritional supplements'. Lexmo placenta is totally safe and can be used in conjunction with any other vitamins or nutritional supplements.
Usage Information:
Ingredients Composition:
Each ampoule contains 25% of biomolecularprotein free, fat free, BSE free, pryogen free Live Cell extraits. ( 2 mi contains amino acid, peptodes, nucleic acid, collagen, cytokines, cell activators over 500mg, vitamin etc.)
Quality Standard Assurance:
Lexmo Swiss Live Cell Extraits injectables are prepared under very advanced biotechnology. The large molecules of fats, protein, hormones etc, are all removed. Strict test on viruses including recent BSE and traditional prious, pryogen, antibiotics, heavy mental testing and pesticides detections are engaged by professional specialty laboratories and responsible officials. These extraits material are extracted without any killing or cruelty on the animals, which are specially raised for medical use. They are BSE tested prious free by approved specialty research institutes. The quality and effects Lexmo Swiss Extraits Live cell injectables are guaranteed through the strictest and highest quality control.
Recommended Treatment:
Per dose of 1 to 2 ampoules every alternate or 3 days. For best results, each treatment cycle begins with the first dose and the initial intervals are recommended to not be more than 3 days for the first 10 doses which is considered as a whole cycle.
Not Recommended:
During pregnancy stages.
Anti-aging, beauty, vitality, fatty liver, apoplexy, chloasma, insomnia, skin ulcers, diabetes, mellitus, regenerate immunity, enhanced re-growth of heart, spleen, kidneys and geriatic complaints.
Cases of Special treatment:
The doctor can increase the dosage accordingly to suit the individual needs.
There has been no symptoms or signs resulting from over dosage that has been received nor reported to date.
Usage Information:
Ingredients Composition:
Each ampoule contains 25% of biomolecularprotein free, fat free, BSE free, pryogen free Live Cell extraits. ( 2 mi contains amino acid, peptodes, nucleic acid, collagen, cytokines, cell activators over 500mg, vitamin etc.)
Quality Standard Assurance:
Lexmo Swiss Live Cell Extraits injectables are prepared under very advanced biotechnology. The large molecules of fats, protein, hormones etc, are all removed. Strict test on viruses including recent BSE and traditional prious, pryogen, antibiotics, heavy mental testing and pesticides detections are engaged by professional specialty laboratories and responsible officials. These extraits material are extracted without any killing or cruelty on the animals, which are specially raised for medical use. They are BSE tested prious free by approved specialty research institutes. The quality and effects Lexmo Swiss Extraits Live cell injectables are guaranteed through the strictest and highest quality control.
Recommended Treatment:
Per dose of 1 to 2 ampoules every alternate or 3 days. For best results, each treatment cycle begins with the first dose and the initial intervals are recommended to not be more than 3 days for the first 10 doses which is considered as a whole cycle.
Not Recommended:
During pregnancy stages.
Anti-aging, beauty, vitality, fatty liver, apoplexy, chloasma, insomnia, skin ulcers, diabetes, mellitus, regenerate immunity, enhanced re-growth of heart, spleen, kidneys and geriatic complaints.
Cases of Special treatment:
The doctor can increase the dosage accordingly to suit the individual needs.
There has been no symptoms or signs resulting from over dosage that has been received nor reported to date.
Regenerating therapeutic agent for intramuscular injection
Packs of 10 ampoules of 15 mL each
One 15-mL ampoule contains: Bovine placental organ hydrolysate
Peripheral circulatory disorders, loss of vitality and energy, general exhaustion and weakness, climacteric symptoms in men and women, premature aging of the skin
Serious infections, inflammations, severe cardiac insufficiency, recent heart attack, high-grade allergies
In rare cases, allergic reactions that subside after the dosage is reduced or treatment discontinued
Dosage and method of administration:
The dosage is usually set on a case-by-case basis according to the clinical picture and the patient's general condition
If not otherwise prescribed, the recommended standard dose is: 10-12 deep intramuscular injections (of one 15-mL ampoule each), 2-6 days apart In sensitive patients, a starting dose of 05 mL may be given and gradually increased to the full dosage
Placenta-Wied can positively influence degenerative clinical pictures because it can eliminate protein metabolism problems and promote cell regeneration
Placenta-Wied supports the cellular and humoral immune response and can thus work against weakening of the immune system It stimulates regenerative processes This agent’s high therapeutic effectiveness and good tolerability make it a good choice for postoperative therapy after major surgery, for accelerating convalescence, and for treating exhaustion of various origins
Placenta-Wied is especially suitable for treating the geriatric symptom complex as increased cell and enzyme activity will guarantee better oxygen uptake and increased energy In addition to age and exhaustion-related diseases, climacteric symptoms are particularly important indications
Placenta Lucchini

Lucchini provides stimulatng effect on cell renewal of the epidermis on the entire body, by promoting the formation of new blood vessels, and nerves, thus leading to healthy looking skin. Skin will appear young and vibrant.
1. Physical and physic fatigue. Lucchini helps to improve a general lack of vitality, concentration, eyesight and mental weakness.
2. Lucchini helps to prevent and regulate problems associated with aging such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, gastric ulcers, migraine, blood circulation and arthritis.
3. Premature aging and wear of different organs brain, heart, lungs, lver, kidneys and digestive system. Lucchini promotes tissue respiration.
4.Lucchni stimulates normal growth, regenerates and accelerates repair, of aged or injured muscle, skin, collagen, bone cartilage and nerve tissue.
5. Epidermal problems, such as wrinkles, decolorization, pigmentation, eye-bags and dull skin tone.
6. Anemia. Lucchini helps normalize blood characteristics.
7. After surgery, Lucchini promotes wound healing and reduces recovery time.
8.After effects of illness, Lucchini helps replenish nutrients required by your body.
9. Menopausal syndrome, Lucchini is proven to be highly effective for women in their mid 40's, approaching menopause. Lucchini reduces the pain and changes associated menopause.
10. Patients undergoing chemotherapy for cancer treatment. Lucchni helps to improve physical fatigue, loss of appetite and immune system.
Laennec Stem Cell ( Placenta injection)

Laennec stem cell Growth factor therapy injection: It has been well believed that with people in their life span care most are those problems of health, juvenescence, and longevity. However, it is not until the revolution and advancement of 21st century biology technology can Human Placenta Extract be conducted and utilized by human beings to bring new hopes in life. Therefore, we want to introduce to you this new-age born premier product out of a prudent heart, namely the Laennec human stem cell Growth factor, which has been valued as the best product for human health.

Below are some curative effects:Poblem of menopause-Diabetes-ovaries dysfunction failureFatty Liver-Liver Cirrhosis-ABC hepatitis- Hepatitis – Liver FunctionGastric ulcer-Duodenal ulcer-Kidney failureOld age degeneration arthritis.The cancer patient immunity function drops.Better come around from fatigue, weak physique, Nutririous supply rejuvenation…etc.Because the stem cell Growth factor weight small, the quality pure, safe, absorbs, the curative effect is good, only then can does clinically for by the international medical arena and life scientific circles uses the medicine
Product Description
Manufactured and Distributed by
Japan Bioproducts Industry Co.,Ltd.
Tokyo Japan
Packing : 2mlx50-1 box
Human placenta extract is a very safe and effective treatment for a variety of ailments as well as being quite useful in an anti-aging program. We would also like to emphasize that the Japanese Ministry of Health and Labor has acknowledged human placenta treatment as safe and effective with no serious side effects. The list of potential treatments is quite impressive with patients of skin conditions, menopause, andropause (male menopause), anti-aging (youthful rejuvenation), liver problems, cardiovascular problems, asthma, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, Meniere`s disease, tinnitus, and vertigo all benefiting from this intensive treatment.
Skin Ailments
Spots, blotches, melasma, wrinkles, eczema, acne, keloid scars... For women, beautiful skin is very important. Human placenta extract is a wonderful solution. Fibroblasts in dermis produce collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid that are very important to keep skin healthy, young and beautiful. The FGF (fibroblast growth factor) and EGF (epithelial growth factor) are contained abundantly in human placenta extract and stimulate the growth of fibroblasts and epidermis, and so consequently skin becomes rejuvenated. The skin gets fresh, soft, smooth and elastic like a baby’s skin.
And human placenta extract inactivates tyrosinase, a key enzyme that converts tyrosine to DOPA. DOPA is converted to melanin after a series of transformations. That is why human placenta extract contributes to whitening of skin. It makes for fair and clear skin.
And human placenta extract contains a lot of vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin E that act as anti free radicals. As you might well know, free radicals exacerbate aging. Human placenta extract eliminates free radicals at the many levels of the body --- from cells deep inside of liver to epidermis of skin. Human placenta extract is astoundingly effective as an anti-aging substance.
For eczema, intramuscular injection of human placenta extract and biotin has proved very effective. If you suffer from any kinds of eczema including atopic dermatitis, human placenta extract along with biotin is really worth trying.
One should avoid cortisone ointments. Otherwise you would be trapped by the cortisone treatment, and gradually the amount of the hormones will increase, thus necessitating further treatment. Thus you will be left in an unending dependence of cortisone. The result is disastrous.
If the patients want clear white skin, cysteine, alpha-lipoic acid, and Vitamins B2, B6, C are very recommendable, along with human placenta extract,
Even one week of intensive treatment can change the skin condition remarkably. And for keloid scar and acne scar, human placenta extract is reported to be effective, too.
Hot flashes, thinning skin, depression, memory lapses, insomnia, poor concentration, osteoporosis, slow healing, reduced libido, painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, etc. ---. To prevent these uncomfortable symptoms, HRT (hormone replacement therapy) is touted by conventional medical doctors that usually prescribe Premarin and Progestins. But these hormones are chemically synthesized and are never natural female hormones. Therefore this kind of HRT causes a lot of side effects, in the worst case, even breast cancer. Recent research has questioned whether the risks outweigh the health benefits of HRT.
Reflecting these shortcomings of HRT, those doctors who understand alternative medicine often prescribe natural progesterone cream. It is indeed much more effective than conventional HRT and with almost no side effects. Personally, I also recommend progesterone cream, and menopausal women are much happier with it. But still some women do not well response to progesterone cream alone. So I give intramuscular injection of 1 ampoule (2 cc) of human placenta extract once or twice a week to them. Then the effectiveness is excellent. Progesterone cream does its role synergistically with human placenta extract. Recently the combination of progesterone cream + human placenta extract is my strong armament against menopause. And some women who do not have so serious symptoms of menopause can alleviate them only by human placenta extract treatment.
And for those women who could not get progesterone cream due to some reasons can get human placenta extract without any fear of side effects. It is advisable to get this treatment prior to menopausal phase, preferably from mid 40ies.
Besides menopause, human placenta extract is very effective for many kinds of women`s diseases such as endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, oligogalactia, gestational toxicosis, and frigidity. Some say testosterone is necessary for improvement of women`s sexual desire. But first, human placenta extract should be tried before testosterone which may induce some unfavorable side effects if overused.
Human placenta extract is free from any side effects except small redness or light irritation on the skin of injected area. But this is also very rare. One doctor reports that she has never observed any adverse side effects due to human placenta extract even after administering it 50,000 times.
Andropause (Men Menopausal )
It is well observed that men also experience an unhappy stage of their life at the same time that women experience menopause. It is called andropause or male menopause. It is due to the decreasing secretion of testosterone. The symptoms vary widely: lack of sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, general fatigue, forgetfulness, poor concentration, apathy, depression, insomnia, obesity, atrophy of muscle tissue, etc.
For these symptoms, usually conventional doctors prescribe chemical testosterone (methyltestosterone or fluoxymestrone). And pro-alternative-medicine doctors prescribe natural progesterone cream. The former induces considerable side effects, and the latter is much better, but sometimes not so effective. Human placenta extract performs truly magnificent results in improvement of male menopause without any side effects. The improvement is really amazing and many andropausal men enjoy the efficacy. (I am one of them!)
If the patient suffers from the serious symptoms, he should get intramuscular injection of 8 cc of human placenta extract in the morning, and 8 hours later, intravenous injection of glutathione, and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C intensively for a few days. This will be gradually reduced, so that finally only to 1-2 ampoules of human placenta extract is needed once per week. This treatment alleviates the difficult symptoms of a lot of men. If not alleviated at all, the patient has other serious hidden diseases.
It is reported that human placenta extract is effective for prostatic hypertrophy. It cures the unnecessary growth of the prostate`s connective tissue. There are lots of alternative supplements for benign hypertrophy of the prostate such as saw palmetto, beta sitosterol, selenium, zinc, pollen, etc. It is perfectly OK to use these supplements with human placenta extract.
Anti-Aging (Youth Rejuvenation)
Human placenta extract is so effective for skin problems, menopause, and andropuase, as above mentioned, that it also promotes overall rejuvenation. Human growth hormone (HGH) is often used for rejuvenation. There are many kinds of HGH, --- tablets, liquid, spray for sublingual, etc. But experts say that only injection is truly effective. Probably they are right. But the patients should be always very careful about the danger of cancer. This is a key point. This is why some doctors do not like to use HGH.
But unlike HGH, human placenta extract has even prophylactic effect against cancer. Japanese researchers discover anti-cancer substance newly named metastatin in human placenta. It inhibits metastasis of cancer cells. This discovery was published in the authoritative science magazine “Nature”.
Along Lake Leman, Switzerland, there are a few clinics where the cell or cell extract of the liver of sheep fetus is injected to those patients who wish for rejuvenation. This treatment has been performed traditionally from 80 years ago. From all over the world, VIPs and celebrities visit there secretly even now. Its effects seem real and documented. The doctors there also claim that their injection is preventive against cancer. Human placenta extract is different from cell extract of the liver of sheep fetus, but they should have common biological factors which promote the growth of healthy cells while protecting against the dangers of growing malignant cells.
It depends upon age and the degree of decline of physical condition of the patients how much dose human placenta extract is administered. For average patients aged 55 to 70 years old, I prescribe intramuscular injection of 4 ampoules (8 cc) of human placenta extract per day intensively for a week. Plus, glutathione and several vitamins. And this will be gradually reduced.
Liver Problems
Human placenta extract is highly effective for liver problems, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and alcoholic hepatitis. Recently many kinds of interferon (IFN) are being produced by big pharmaceutical companies, and are administered to hepatitis C, and B patients.
Indeed sometimes, but never always, IFN eradicates the virus completely. Depending on the patient`s genetic type, the virus is luckily vulnerable to the IFN, but usually the patients suffer from serious side effects. The extreme case is severe depression such that patients are driven to suicide. Nevertheless, pharmaceutical companies are incessantly producing and advertising new IFN. Why? Because IFN, next to chemotherapy drugs of cancer, brings about big profits to the companies and doctors. The IFNs produced by them are not natural ones, but artificially modified or genetically engineered to get patent. By the IFNs identical with naturally produced IFNs in human body, the companies can not get patent and no profit.
Chemically modified IFNs that are foreign to a human body inevitably induce side effects. All doctors know that. But they are dishonest enough or ignorant of the safer way, and continue to use the manmade IFNs.
But extract of human placenta stimulates the production of IFNs inside of a human body. So, these IFNs are quite natural and free from any side effects. Although the amount of IFNs produced by extract of human placenta seems not enough to eradicate the virus completely, it can reduce the number of virus considerably. And human placenta extract contains HGF (hepatic growth factor). This is a very important factor. HGF stimulates growth of liver new cells, and the damaged /dead cells by viruses, alcohol, toxins, drugs, and free radicals are replaced with the new cells. This mechanism contributes a lot to improve cirrhosis, too.
I have observed that in many patients who suffered from hepatitis (B, C, alcoholic) GOT(AST), GPT(ALT), γ-GTP were markedly reduced to normal range within only 2 or 3 months thanks to the injections of human placenta extract. Hepatitis sometimes leads to hepatocellular cancer in a long term patients through cirrhosis, if not treated well.
Especially hepatitis C is prone to cancer. So, prophylactic treatment human placenta extract is strongly recommended. Even one week intensive treatment -- human placenta extract, alpha-lipoic acid, glutathione, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C-- can be quite effective. And I prescribe schisandra and milk thistle as daily supplements
Diseases treated by cortisone - RA (rheumatoid arthritis), any allergic diseases ( Asthma, Atopic dermatitis, Pollinosis) , Lupus,
Human placenta extract has strong stimulant effect to adrenal gland where cortisone is produced. Therefore the patients can reduce, or even stop taking external cortisone (i.e. orally taken, or injected), if human placenta extract is properly administered.
Cortisone is very potent. Its anti-inflammation effect is so wonderful that a lot of patients become prone to rely on it. But as everyone knows, its side effects are truly serious --- moon face, obesity, myopathy, insomnia, hypertension, depression, osteoporosis, cataract, gastric ulcer, etc. And suppression of immunity by cortisone makes patients vulnerable to infections. Orally taken or injected cortisone should be strictly minimized. But the cortisone naturally produced by the patient’s own adrenal gland is another case as it is very safe. Human placenta extract does this well. We do not know yet exactly the mechanism by which human placenta extract stimulates adrenal gland, but it seems to regulate this very effectively. Never too much, and not too little.
iease, etc.
Human placenta extract has the ability to control the immune system. It means that if the immune system of the patient is too weak it boosts up the system and if too much active (in the case of autoimmune diseases such as lupus, RA, multiple sclerosis, and Sjogren’s syndrome) it calms down the system.
These thermostatic functions of human placenta extract has helped many patients withdraw from dangerous cortisone treatment. Of course the withdrawal should be done gradually and with much caution. But it is possible. And recently, besides human placenta extract, I prescribe enteric-coated lactoferrin (orally taken). This substance can be absorbed at the intestine without being broken by gastric juice, and has also regulatory effect on the immune system. So human placenta extract and enteric-coated lactoferrin work synergeticaly leading to observed excellent results. I have never seen any patients who are not satisfied with this combination. No exceptions. While I do not claim that severe case of lupus or MS can be cured perfectly, the patients can definitely reduce their intake of cortisone by this combination. This should be really good news.
Cardiovascular Problems
Human placenta extract can lower blood pressure, but does not induce hypotension (too low blood pressure). It acts as an adaptogen. And it contains a specific anti-coagulant substance which makes blood flow smoothly.
I feel from my experience that more than 90 % of essential hypertension which does not have any clear etiology and is observed as common hypertension can be well controlled by human placenta extract (plus preferably, CoQ10, carnitine, 3 to 5 cloves of garlic, and a glass of fresh vegetable juice, and if possible moderate exercise -- not hard jogging ). Please do not be fooled by the theory that limitation of salt can lower your blood pressure. Those who can get benefit by limiting salt are very rare. And actually how can you limit the intake of salt in daily life? Salt is hidden in thousands of foods and meals.
And HGF of human placenta extract was discovered to stimulate cell growth not only of liver but also of many organs including heart, endothelium of arteries. Animal experiments indicate HGF can previously regenerate cells fatally damaged by acute myocardial infarction, acute cerebral infarction, acute hepatitis, and acute nephritis. This is why the researchers propose that HGF should be abbreviation of Happy Growth Factor.
Therefore human placenta extract is of great help for recovery from myocardial infarction and paralyses due to cerebral infarction. Theoretically it should be effective for cardiomyopathy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), too. But I have not yet treated them, and I do not know the effect. If you are suffering from one of these, please let me know. Probably I can treat you free.
The number of the sufferers from depression in Japan is said to be its one hundredth in the United States. Yes, it is extremely small compared with Europeans and Americans.
One of the reasons is that the patients with mild depression is not so easily diagnosed as suffering from pathological depression by doctors here in Japan. Chemical medicines such as SSRI (Prozac, Zoloft) are not so much commonly prescribed. This is a really good tendency. Traditionally, Japanese think they should not rely on chemical medicine too much. Even psychiatrists here try to avoid medicines. And Japanese meals which are full of fish give them more Omega-3 fatty acid than red meat. And the special structure of the Japanese language gives them different thought process from the Indo-European languages. Vowel sounds dominate in the Japanese language more than in the case of Indo-European languages. Therefore, regardless of race and genes, the brain grown in the Japanese spoken environment perceives even the murmur of a stream, the chirps of insects, and the rustle of leaves as sound of a human language. It means that the brain feels nature as quite near living life to humans. Consequently, the brains are less lonely in the existential Universe than the Indo-European language speaking brains. Loneliness is a strong factor of depression. This is one of my professional themes -- culture, brain and disease -- from the neuro- linguistic point of view. But that is a discussion for another time.
But, nevertheless, nowadays the number of depression sufferers among Japanese is steadily increasing. Definitely human placenta extract is effective for depression. Probably this is due to its effect on the autonomic nervous system.
We do not know yet exactly the relation between normal function of autonomic nervous system and emotion. But in my daily clinical work I observe real improvement of depression very often by human placenta extract. Especially, when combined with enteric-coated lactoferrin, the improvement is remarkable, similar to the ailments treated by cortisone. Because enteric-coated lactoferrin enhances opioid substance in the brain.
I feel that the combination of human placenta extract and enteric-coated lactoferrin (plus, fish-allowed semi-vegetarian eating habit and moderate exercise) is utterly sufficient for mild depression. One should avoid SSRIs as much as possible.
Meniere‘s disease, Tinnitus, Vertigo
Meniere`s disease is often resistant to conventional otolaryngological treatment. Even tinnitus and vertigo that are not associated with Meniere`s disease and commonly observed in daily clinics are also not so easy to treat. Many people suffer from these symptoms. Tinnitus and vertigo are not life-threatening, but rather unpleasant.
Sometimes a large dose of cortisone alleviates these symptoms, and if lucky enough, chiropractic or acupuncture treatment can give you miraculous improvement. But you can not always rely on the dangerous treatment of cortisone or a rare miracle.
Human placenta extract is also very effective for these symptoms of which causes are quite vague, probably thanks to its regulatory effect on autonomic nervous system and enhancing effect of blood flow of tiny peripheral capillaries in the inner ear.
Eyes Problem
Dr. Kentaro Hieda reported already 30 years ago that he got a remarkable cure of 9 of 15 patients of retinal pigmentary dystrophy, and 7 of 8 patients of cataract.
Safety of Human Placenta Extract
Two Japanese companies produce human placenta extract. One from 1956, and the other from 1959. Since then no serious side effects such as infection, shock, and CJD (Creutzfled-Jakob disease) are reported. All ampoules are numbered, and doctors ought to record the names of the patients who got the injection of the extract, each number of the ampoule, day and place. Meticulously followed up by rigorous medical system for nearly half century, no accidents have been reported. This is much safer than even aspirin.
First, the donor of placenta is checked. She should be free from syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, HBV, HCV, HIV, HTLV (adult T cell leukemia), HPV/B19 (slap cheek). And she should not have stayed for more than 6 months after January, 1980, in England, Ireland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal. This is to avoid the danger of BSE. And she should have been in only Japanese hospitals. This is to ensure that the strict standards have been adhered to.
① The placenta is hydrolyzed by hydrochloric acid, and treated by heat for 15- 17 hours.
② At the final process, it is sterilized by steam at 121 degrees (Celsius) for 30 minutes.
Through these two processes all viruses are killed, and prions are destroyed.
I hear that human placenta is produced and used in Cuba, China, and Ukraine. But I can not be inclined to use the placenta obtained in those countries, honestly speaking. Perhaps this is my prejudice. But the safety of my patients is my utmost concern.
And you may find a lot of advertisements of extract of placenta in internet. But 99 % of the placenta is from animal, not human. Before BSE, it was from cows, but now from pig or sheep. I do not have the data on the comparison of extract of human placenta and that of animal placenta, and I can not say scientifically which is better.
But common sense drives me into choosing human placenta extract, because human to human seems intuitively to be more effective. And this is my prejudice, again, but do you want to use the extract of placenta of sheep? Who can guarantee its safety? How can you know the sheep are free from scrapie (BSE of sheep)? And if you are Muslim or Jewish, you most likely reject pig placenta extract out of religious sensibilities.
For those living in Japan, there are a handful of clinics giving treatment with human placenta extract. However, few have done that much research into combining treatment in an integrated package like above mentioned. For those living outside Japan, it might be impossible to get this kind of perfectly safe human placenta extract in your home country. So, for those living outside of Japan, a one week special intensive treatment in Japan is very beneficial. From my experience, the initial stage of the treatment requires a large dose of the extract (4 to 8 cc) which should be administered intensively for a few continuous days for optimal results. Then it can be reduced gradually.
The treatment usually begins on Monday, and ends on Thursday. In the week, in Japan, 16cc to 32 cc of human placenta extract are administered by intramuscular injections. And you will bring back 50 ampoules of the extract to your own country (if necessary, with 50 syringes, too), and you should inject 1 to 2 ampoules a week by yourself for a half year. It is an intramuscular injection, and very simple.
From the Article of Dr. Makise - Japan
Product Specification/Models
2 cc Per Ampoule
Intramascular Injection
MF3 Placenta HP

MF3 Human Placenta (HP 230mg per Vial)
Recent Scientific research has shown Placenta HP contains rich growth factors, hormones, proteins, glycosaminoglycans, nucleic acids, polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRNs), antibodies, and other concentrated nutrients that can rejuvenate organic tissue. It is rich in over 128 growth factors including HGF, NGF, EGF, FGF, CFS, IGF-1, TGF, IL1, IL2, IL3 and IL4. Mitogenic actions of cytokines from placenta show an array of physiological effects – anti-inflammatory, regulation of autonomous nerve system, improvement of circulation, wound tissue healing, inhibition of protease, enhancement of nerve regeneration, balancing multiple hormone levels, immune boosting (anti-allergic), analgesic effect and the improvement of intestinal environment.
Placenta HP is a safe therapeutic agent with potent regenerating activities on all human tissue. When introduced into humans (internally), it can reinforce deteriorating cells and hence bring back or restore their youth.
MF3 of Switzerland HP 230mg of highly concentrated Placenta prepared using a patented high-tech extraction technology. Extraction is a common pharmaceutical technology used to isolate peptides, proteins, enzymes or cytokines, growth factors, hormones, and other compounds which are essential substances for elderly and/or ill organisms. The extraction and processing of tissue is done without denaturing sterilization nor any chemical additives.
MF3 of Switzerland HP 230mg, with most of its active and specific components (peptides, proteins, enzymes, cytokines, hormones, growth factors and others), works as a substitute in elderly and ill organisms. This substitution may lead to restoration or regeneration and revitalization.
MF3 HP 230mg comes in Pure, Fresh and LIVE form due to its proprietary Cold Process Extraction & Manufacturing Process Without any application of heat.
Benefits of MF3 Placenta HP
As a Therapy for revitalization and rejuvenation MF3 HP has a number of benefits aside from managing the effects of aging. Some examples are:
-Regenerates cells, tissues and organs
-Increases flexibility in joints and discs
-Improves immune system against diseases
-Improves alertness and mental awareness
-Lightens facial pigmentation
-Refines facial pores and a glow to your skin
-Enhances skin texture
-Improves sleep patterns
-Improve in blood circulation, stamina and energy level
-Eliminates Constipation
-Decreases risk of heart diseases
-Relieves symptoms related to any chronic disease
-Stabilizes weight to normal level
-Enhances your body figure and skin elasticity
Why MF3 HP 230mg Is Different & Gives Better Result?
All MF3 Placenta HP 230mg products come in high concentration of 230mg 2 ml vials that contain various amounts of placenta extract. MF3 Placenta HP 230mg is the world's one and only Placenta Extract with the extracts, still ALIVE in Pure and Fresh Form, unlike other placenta injectables (all Non-Alive) in glass vials or ampoules where heat and sterilization at 125 deg C or 180 deg C are adopted. Heat would render many bio actives in the Placenta being destroyed or change in its molecular structure. The Extraction Proprietary of MF3 Placenta HP 230mg is without application of heat by a cold method of processing and ultra Filtration, maintaining the bio actives in the placenta extract as there are still alive in it. As such MF3 Placenta 230mg must be kept at 4 deg C to 8 deg C preferably to prolong the bio activeness and not more than 25 deg C if possible.
MF3 HP comes in box of 50 vials and depend on individual 10 vials to 50 vials treatment are recommended.
For sensitive patients it is possible to reduce the number of treatments to 1 or 2 vials each time in daily or alternate days with a Max of 12 vials each week. There is no over dosage for our placenta extracts.
A repetition of the treatment cycle after 6 and 12 months is possible depending on the illness and the individual patient’s health. A deep, subcutaneous or intramuscular injection on the Gluteal area with a thin needle should be given.
Safety and effectiveness of MF3 Placenta HP
MF3 HP is manufactured in EU, under stringent safety and quality assurance regulations and a number of studies have been conducted to ensure the safety of MF3 HP. Decades of clinical experience also demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of placenta therapy. Placenta HP is safe therapeutic agent with the potential to regenerate activity within all human tissue. When introduced into the humans internally, it can reinforce deteriorating cells.
In some cases reddening and swelling may occur at the injection site, cold compresses and repeated, gentle application of a heparin ointment to cool locally should be sufficient to reduce redness.
Do not expose to heat or sunlight. Keep out of reach of children. Best kept under refrigeration but Not freezing point.
MF3 Placenta RNA

MF3 Placenta RNA
Ribonucleic Acids (RNA) - Placenta
Source: Animal
Packed in: 5 ml
Packing Size: A set 10 ampoules
Product - Common Individual Preparations: MF III RNA Placenta (Masculine/Feminine)
MF III RNA Preparations RNA Placenta (Masculine/Feminine) is available in derivations of placenta from male and female offspring.It is amongst the most commonly used individual MF III RNA preparation. A safe therapeutic agent with the potential to regenerate activity within all human tissue, MF III RNA Placenta can reinforce deteriorating cells.
1 vial of 5ml contains:
- Pharmaceutically Active Ingredients
Placenta extract comprising amino acids, nucleic acids, minerals and other substances, free of viruses and any artificial contaminations. - Other Ingredients
Water for injection, alanine and phenylalanine.
To support treatment of: Fatigue, infertility, frozen shoulder, shoulder stiffness, migraine, joint pain, depression, melasma, skin ageing, acne, hay fever, pre-menstrual syndrome, uterine fibrosis, endometriosis, insomnia, liver dysfunction, fungal infection, digestive problems, nerve related discomfort, extreme coldness, anaemia, low libido, constipation, gastritis, intestinal intoxication or other hormonal imbalances.
In addition to MF III RNA Placenta (Masculine/Feminine), MF III RNA Thymus, MF III RNA Spleen, MF III RNA Pituitary Gland (Masculine/Feminine), MF III RNA Liver and MF III RNA Adrenal Gland are individual preparations that are often combined with each other to effectively stimulate and improve immune system function.